On February 24, Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine. For this, the territory of Belarus is also used. The number of those killed exceeded 1000 people, hundreds of thousands of people turned out to be refugees. Ukrainians selflessly defend their country and themselves.
War and aggressors must be said no. Especially when the war is also taking place inside our country, where today there are more than 1,000 political prisoners and searches, kidnappings, and torture of people do not stop. From an early age in Belarus, we hear that Belarusians are peaceful people. So let’s look for a way and time to act in the name of peace and talk about the value of peace, that war is evil and there is no justification for it, as well as those who unleash it. There is no justification for the aggression of one state against another, as well as of some people against others. And there is always a place for solidarity and mutual support in a situation where violence must be fought back.
We appeal to Belarusian teachers and lecturers and ask them not to remain indifferent in this situation. Now is the time to be a moral compass for a new generation of Belarusians; say simple words: “War is evil”, and explain with historical examples how this is constantly done before May 9th. 2020 has shown that we can stand in solidarity and stand together against violence and aggression.