Research Grants Program

Research Grants Program

The Education Office for New Belarus, as a part of the Orange Scholarships Program (the Netherlands) announces a call for research grants in social sciences and humanities, law, economics, media studies, and art with focus on Belarus in the context of political repression and the war in Ukraine.

The final result of the research should be presented in the form of a report or an article (no fewer than 28 000 characters) intended for academic publication.

The grant is EUR 2 500, and no more than 35 grants will be awarded in 2022.

Eligible Applicants

Applications are accepted from the research group “supervisor – student/postgraduate student”*. This format involves a preliminary search for a scientific partner and the development of a research concept.

The target audience are undergraduate students in their 3rd or 4th year of studies, graduate and postgraduate students, professors and researchers with citizenship of the Republic of Belarus.

The replacement of research group members during the implementation of the research project is allowed in exceptional cases coordinated by the Office.

*The research group can include more than two people, but the total amount of the grant remains the same (EUR 2 500). In this case, the application must include a financial plan indicating the funds distribution among the group members.

Application Must Include

  • student’s and supervisor’s CVs
  • a list of publications (obligatory for the supervisor, for the student — if available)
  • the timeline and concept of the research, indicating the co-authors’ roles
  • a motivation letter that contains the information about the fact of dismissal/expulsion for political reasons

Project Timeline

  • June 1, 2022 — application deadline
  • June 14, 2022 — the co-authors are informed about the results of applications’ evaluation
  • no later than 3 months after the approval of the application — the co-authors submit an interim report covering 50% of the planned research (for example, the data collected and processed in case of interviews or field research, at least 50% of the written text in case of theoretical research, etc). The interim report is submitted for review.
  • no later than November 15, 2022 — deadline for submitting final research paper to the Office for review
  • January 22, 2023 — the final research findings must be ready
  • February 2023 — a final reporting event will be held to present the research findings.

Detailed information and application form available at the website.

This call is part of the Orange Scholarships Program funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.